Instagram of the week #24: Due settimane in polaroid

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Instagram of the week #24: Due settimane in polaroid

Eccomi ritornata con una delle mie rubriche preferite all’interno di questo blog: l’Instagram of the week. Non vedevo l’ora di condividere con voi alcuni dei momenti più belli di queste ultime due settimane. Tra gli altri sono stata ad Amburgo con Deichmann, a Milano per Dior, blogger ufficiale per l’evento Motivi e personal shopper per Sorelle Ramonda. Ho viaggiato, scoperto posti bellissimi e incontrato persone meravigliose. E in tutto questo percorso ho indossato tantissimi outfit che mi sono divertita a condividere quotidianamente con voi attraverso il mio profilo. Ho caricato nuovi prodotti per il progetto #ShopInMyCloset in collaborazione con Depop (mi seguite già su questa piattaforma?) e ho già pensato alla mia wishlist per il Natale, ormai alle porte. Ho condiviso un meraviglioso pomeriggio con la mia mamma ed Estée Lauder e tanti momenti di coccole con la mia Kiki, sempre protagonista indiscussa delle mie giornate e dei miei shooting. In tutto vissuto anche indimenticabili momenti di svago con le persone a me più care: sono stata al Concerto di Cesare Cremonini (artista che amo da quando ho 13 anni), al parco a dare da mangiare agli scoiattoli e alla mia humburgeria preferita a Torino per un pranzo con le mie amiche. Due settimane intense e piene di energia positiva: mi sento davvero persona fortunata per aver vissuto tutti questi bellissimi momenti. Le trovate tutte raggruppate qui, per voi, in questo post!
Buona domenica a tutte!


Instagram of the week #24: Two weeks in Polaroid!

Here I am back with one of my favorite sections of this blog: the Instagram of the week. I couldn’t wait to share with you some of the highlights of the last two weeks. Among others I have been in Hamburg with Deichmann, in Milan for Dior, official blogger for the Motivi event and personal shopper for Sorelle Ramonda. I traveled, discovered beautiful places and met wonderful people. And in all these adventures I wore many outfits that I enjoyed every day sharing them with you through my Instagram profile. I uploaded new products #ShopInMyCloset, for the project in collaboration with Depop (follow me already on this platform?), and I already thought about my Christmas wishlist (too early?). I shared a wonderful afternoon with my mom and Estee Lauder and many moments of pampering with my Kiki, always undisputed star of my days and my shootings. I also lived unforgettable moments with the people I love the most: I was at the concert Cesare Cremonini (artist that I love since I was 13 years old), to the park to feed the squirrels and at my favorite hamburger restaurant to have lunch with my girls. There was two intense weeks, full of positive energy: I feel really lucky to have experienced all these wonderful moments. You find them all in this post! Enjoy!
Good Sunday everyone!

Happy Saturday to you all: wearing  Alysi tee and Mauro Gasperi leather jacket+skirt! 


Smack! Happy Sunday everyone! Wearing Nomination personalized bracelet, Mauro Gasperi jacket and, on my nails, the new Diorific Golden Shock nailpolish! See the whole outfit HERE!


Having fun with my new friend Cip! See the whole outfit HERE!


I’m a leopard! New clothes on my Depop profile: you can find me as @lauracomolli!


Crazy and funny memories from yesterday night at Deichmann party w/ my partner crime The Gummy Sweet! Check out the outfit I wore for the event HERE!


Typical German lunch in Munich: already coming back home! 


New @Dior #GoldenShock collection for Holiday 2014: can’t wait to try these sparkling treasures! Check out the collection and the party makeup by Davide Frizzi HERE!


Do you like my funny New Era beanie? It reminds me an important lesson I learnt from #Superman: “be your own hero”, today and forever! 


Time with my mum is always the best time: we are ready for mum/daughter afternoon, cuddling by Estee Lauder! You can see more details HERE!


What’s in my wishlist? Discover all the products HERE! Create your own one with Regalister and you will no longer receive a wrong gift! 


The New Era beanie says it all: “Sorry I’m hot”! 


Friday mood rocking my new Dr Martens boots!  Check out the whole outfit HERE!


Here I am: Motivi event in Turin! Discover more about it HERE


Cesare Cremonini concert in Turin! “Una come te, se chiude gli occhi vede il mare, senza andar lontano. Una come te, ha una valigia per le scarpe, che sembra un aeroplano. Una come te…” 


Late Sunday lunch at TBone station with my beautiful girls!


We love our Alice in Wonderland sneakers! Entrate anche voi nel magico mondo delle Meraviglie con The Style Outlets: scegliete un abito, un accessorio o un total look ispirato alla favola di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie e postate la foto sul vostro profilo Instagram o Facebook con l’hashtag #StiledelleMeraviglie (avete tempo fino al 23 Dicembre)! Per tutti i partecipanti ci sarà una super sorpresa di buon-non-compleanno! Io e Kiki non ce lo siamo fatte ripetere due volte…e voi? 


Autumn leaves! Check out the whole outfit HERE!


Kiki for Kiko! We love our new makeup and beauty products from Kiko cosmetics! Soon on the blog!


Forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe the one reason why it will! Check out the outfit details HERE!


Sweet break at Cioccolatò Torino! Do you prefer white or dark chocolate?


Paris Throwback: Fashion Week memories shoot by one of my favorite, FW Streetstyle!


#shopinmycloset: just add two beautiful coats on my Depop profile (@lauracomolli): see you there!


Friday mood: ready to face the rain w/ Goosefeel down jacket and New Era Superman beanie! 


Happy Saturday w/ Sorelle Ramonda choosing some party outfit for the upcoming Christmas holidays! What do you think about this pied-de-poule total look? See you this afternoon for a special session of personal shopping together at their Ivrea store!


It’s raining cat’s and dogs here at Sorelle Ramonda store: ready to face it with my Liu Jo beanie! Wish you a beautiful Saturday!


Rooooaaaarrrr: do you like my leopard green outfit?


Soon on the blog all the details of the outfit I shot for Sorelle Ramonda!


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