Video: 3 days in Paris


Iniziamo questa nuova settimana con una nuova puntata della rubrica “Purses&I travels”. L’ultimo ricordo del nostro viaggio a Parigi. Il video dei nostri 3 giorni in giro per la città. Enjoy!
Buon inizio di settimana a tutti, che sia uno splendido lunedì!


Let’s start this new week with a new episode of the “Purses&I travels” section. The latest memory of our travel to Paris. The video of our 3 days around the city. Hope you will enjoy it! Wish you a beautiful week and a gorgeous Monday!


  1. This video is so beautiful! I love Paris so much tooo! And it really looks like a daydream.
    And I love the pijama pants, they're so chic!

    Congratulations on a beautiful blog, I just followed you & I'm checking out your older posts:)

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    all the best
    La Dolce Moda

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