Easy day: Fleece dress & Polka dots sneakers


Fotografie di un sabato pomeriggio. Tra felpe oversize che diventano vestito e deliziose sneakers ricoperte di pois. Tra la pioggia che lascia subito spazio a un bellissimo sole e meravigliosi prati ricoperti di margherite bianche. Fotografie di una primavera che sembra essersi un poco dimenticata di noi. Che si mostra poco, ma incanta ad ogni comparsa. I miei polsi che sembrano essersi dimenticati del detto “less is more”, complice il nuovo arrivato nella mia collezione di divertenti orpelli. Un bracciale con catenina argento e ciondolo in oro rosa raffigurante una piccola gattina. Con inciso il suo tenero nome: Kiki. Che dire amore a prima vista è dire poco. E non solo per me. Anche la mia piccola pelosa ha dato il benvenuto con il sorriso al nostro nuovo amico. Non è adorabile? Buon lunedì mattina a tutte voi!


This is what I love to do on Saturday mornings. Walking on daisies fields with my new Ice Iceberg fleence dress and a pair of Coq Sportif polka dots sneakers. Being completely easy and confortable. It’s all I ask for the weekend. And it’s all I need to feel completely relaxed. Then a cute arm party on my wrists, styling the new cat bracelet from Mia Gioia, with the name of my cat Kiki. It was love at first sight, both for me and my furry friend. Isn’t she super adorable with it? Wish you all a very happy Monday!

My outfit
DRESS: Ice Iceberg
CUFF: Cooee
SNEAKERS: Coq Sportif 


  1. Stupenda la tua Kiki, e anche come scrivi i tuoi post!
    Alla prossima,
    nuovi post su http://www.chicnuggets.com ;-)

  2. outfit divertente mq cmq molto femminile grazie agli accessori che sai abbinare molto bene!!Il collare/bracciale di Kiki

  3. Oh I love this dress! Thanks for your comment on my blog, and YOU are amazing! I'm now following.

    Have a great day! Xx. Pip

  4. love ur look! so fresh! and ur cat is adorable :)
    Juls from http://romanholidayclothes.blogspot.comjavascript…

  5. I absolutely love those shoes, they're so nice! You look great and your cat is so cute!

    Kathryn x

  6. Such a gorgeous outfit! Love how you put it together :)

    Visit my blog? xx Miss Beatrix (http://missbeatrix.blogspot.com)

  7. Wow, you are stunning! I love your hair and outfit.

    Corinne x http://www.skinnedcartree.com

  8. Gorgeous outfit! Love the shoes. Also your cat is adorable!
    Now following you! (:
    Fashion Ganache. http://fashionganache.blogspot.co.uk

  9. omgosh i love your outfit . thank you for your comment on my blog . and hell yeah we can follow each other . im following . im totally going to love your blog girlie.

    keep in touch and thanks again

    Weirdo xoxo

  10. Beautiful pics, i especially love your earrings!

    <a href="http://www.Fashioncontainer.com” target=”_blank”>www.Fashioncontainer.com

    <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fashioncontainer-Fashion-Blog-by-Malena/436522389723067
    ">Fashioncontainer Facebook page

  11. This is a beautiful outfit! I love your shirt dress (is that Tinkerbell??), and your cutesy polka dot sneakers. It's a very relaxed and comfy look – perfect for lazy days. You look gorgeous also.


  12. Great style! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Would you like we to follow each other maybe? Just let me know…


  13. Tu sei dolcissima ma il tuo gatto è stupendooo! <3 Mi piacciono molto gli orecchini!
    Complimenti per il blog, è davvero curato :)

    Shadow Of Style

  14. Your cat is so cute! You are also so beautiful <3 You look stunning and I love your hair x

    Fashion Landscape

  15. I love it so much! And the polka dot sneakers are sooo cute!!!
    Great outfit!

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