Some photos took off during the Saturdays evening I spent in the marvelous Barcelona. Oh how much I love this city!
Some photos took off during the Saturdays evening I spent in the marvelous Barcelona. Oh how much I love this city!
Still some photos gone off last Saturdays afternoon to Bacellona. Wandering about among the Barceloneta, the Old Port and the Sagrada Familia.
The most famous Barcellona’s market and the most ancient of the whole Europe.
Leaving by airplain from Bergamo at 10:00 p.m. (yes, if you wanna fly with Ryanair you have to include the the delay :S) and arriving in little more than an hour above a completely beam Barcellona.
My lovely bf has organized me a surprise trip for my birthday. Unknown destination and package lower than10 kg. The most amusing thing has been discovered little by little the place we were directed to.
A birthday made of surprises. A simple happy-hour with my closest friends and fellow law students. A very beautiful surprise.